“Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” -Mark 11:9
A set of bible printables for the verse from Mark 11:9, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” Children learn what the word Hosanna means. Use these printable resources when teaching this key Bible Verse to kids.
Hosanna Bible Verse Visual
Here is a full page bible verse you can use as a visual in your
classroom. Mount to colored construction paper for durability.
This verse is perfect for Easter and Palm Sunday.
Hosanna Bible Verse Copywork
This is a bible verse tracer page for children who are ready to begin early handwriting skills. To make these reusable, laminate or slide into a page protector. Then children can use dry erase markers to practice their handwriting skills.
Hosanna Bible Verse Cards
This is a set of six printable bible
verse cards you can print to have
children take home with them
Hosanna Bible Verse Vocabulary
A printable word wall card with definition for the word
“wise.” The full sheet makes a great visual for children
during storytime, print a separate set for children to work
on matching words to definitions.
Hosanna Bible Verse Craft
Children can retell the story of Jesus’
Triumphant entry! Cut out the palm
branches. Show them how to glue
them onto the path, just as the
villagers did when Jesus came!
More Easter Crafts & Printables
We have many more Easter and Resurrection
themed resources for our Sunday School
Lessons. You’ll find games, activities, crafts,
coloring pages and more!