This is a set of printable worksheet you can use during your Creation Week Bible Lessons. For each of the days of creations (#1-7) children can work on number formation, tracing & handwriting practice, Bible Verse Memory and even coloring with a small image of what God created each day. Find more creation Bible printables here.
Creation Worksheet: Day 1
This is a creation themed number handwriting page. On the first day of creation God said, “Let there be light”
Creation Worksheet: Day 2
This is a creation themed number handwriting page. On the second day God said, “Let there be clouds and seas.”
Creation Worksheet: Day 3
This is a creation themed number handwriting page. On the third day God said, “Let there be land, plants and trees.”
Creation Worksheet: Day 4
This is a creation themed number handwriting page. On the fourth day God said, “Let there be a sun, moon and stars.”
Creation Worksheet: Day 5
This is a creation themed number handwriting page. On the fifth day God said, “Let there be creatures of the sky and sea.”
Creation Worksheet: Day 6
This is a creation themed number handwriting page. On the sixth day God said, “Let there be land animals. Let us make man in our image.”
Creation Worksheet: Day 7
This is a creation themed number handwriting page. On the seventh day God said, “It is very good.” and God rested.